
Should zombies have equal rights? Vote!

Zombie America Show Dates and Times

Friday November 8, 2013 7:30PM

Saturday November 9 7:30PM

Sunday November 10 5:00PM


Friday November 15, 2013 7:30PM

Saturday November 16 7:30PM

Sunday November 17 5:00PM


Schoolhouse Arts Center, 16 Richville Road, (route 114) Standish, Maine (207) 642-3743

1 comment:

  1. RIGHTS FOR ZOMBIES! think about it. those poor people. they were once human and didnt asked to get bit. I mean it just happened right? One minute they were probably running for their lives, freaking out like you would be, and then the next minute they got taken down and bit and then........died.......and then.....woke back up as a mindless, shell of a body with an insatiable desire to find dinner. It could happen to the best of us. I mean not everyone is going to be the hero of the movie. there wouldnt be any zombies that way. so....somebody had to do it and NOW those guys are being treated so unfairly. They take meds now, they are fine, they should be equal! Their god given american right to be a part of this wonderful nation.....again...should be theirs! Vote yes on Zombie Rights
